We provide a comprehensive system to help students prepare for their future as independent global leaders in the field of tropical and emerging infectious disease control. Students are encouraged to set goals for their careers and to focus on their studies.
Career Paths Support
Expected career paths are as follows.
World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, JICA, Government ministries (health ministry, foreign ministry), Education and research organizations including government ministries, universities, private institutions, international infectious disease research institutions, medical offices of diplomatic missions, domestic and foreign pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers, Core hospitals for infectious diseases, Policymakers for tropical and emerging infectious disease and risk control, Infectious disease control managers, Research and development managers and leaders.
Some faculty members in this program have job experience at international organizations, JICA, international NGOs and government ministries. These faculties serve as mentors in accordance with students’ career goals. They have office hours for students to provide consultation about studies, research, and career paths.
Students have an opportunity to ask front-line specialists and researchers who are invited as visiting lecturers about career possibilities, building human relations and access to job information.
MSF (Doctors without Borders) conducts annual organizational briefing sessions for graduate school students and medical students at the Institute of Tropical Medicine. Other organizations will be invited for similar activities.
All students in our program must take overseas training. It provides students with multilevel opportunities to work with people in different international organizations.